GIA Heritage
Tracing the history of the Georgia Interscholastic Association
Profile: Calhoun County

Year Minimum Foundation building program completed
c. 1956.

H.T. Singleton built as a consolidated high school, with Morgan elementary students. Elementary schools also for Edison, Arlington and Leary.

Year of total integration

H.T. Singleton and the Black elementary at Arlington integrate completely with Calhoun County's traditionally white schools in 1970.

The plan submitted February 27, 1970 to the federal government made Singleton essentially a junior high school, grades 7-9. Calhoun did throw in what was essentially a prayer. The March 5, 1970 Calhoun County Times said there was a rider, that if total integration somehow quit being the law and Freedom of Choice was still an option, that the local system would rather do that.

Known high schools
  • Arlington Vocational
  • Edison Negro
  • H.T. Singleton (Morgan)

Known schools
  • 1951-52: Arlington Vocational High
  • 1952-53: Arlington Vocational Colored High, Edison Colored High, Leary Elementary
  • 1953-54: Arlington Vocational High, Edison Colored, Leary Elementary, Morgan Elementary (full list)
  • 1954-55: Arlington Vocational High (17), Edison Negro High (20), Leary Elementary (8), Morgan Elementary (7) (full list)
The Georgia Department of Education begins publishing a list of schools in 1956-57.
  • 1956-57: Arlington Colored Elementary (grades 1-8), Leary Colored Elementary (1-7), Morgan Colored Elementary (1-7), The H.T. Singleton High School (grades 1-12)
  • 1957-58: Arlington Colored (1-7), Edison Colored (1-7), Leary Colored (1-7), H.T. Singleton (1-12)
  • 1958-59: Arlington Colored (1-7), Edison Colored (1-7), Leary Colored (1-7), H.T. Singleton (1-12)
  • 1959-60: Arlngton Colored (1-7), Edison Colored (1-7), Leary Colored (1-7), H.T. Singleton (1-4, 8-12)
  • 1960-61: Arlington Colored (1-7), Edison Colored (1-7), Leary Colored (1-7), H.T. Singleton (1-12)
  • 1961-62: Arlington Colored (1-7), Edison Colored (1-7), Leary Colored (1-7), H.T. Singleton (1-12)
  • 1962-63: Arlington Colored (1-7), Edison Colored (1-7), Leary Colored (1-7), H.T. Singleton (1-12)
  • 1963-64: Arlington Colored (1-7), Edison Colored (1-7), Leary Colored (1-7), H.T. Singleton (1-12)
  • 1964-65: Arlington Colored (1-8), Edison Colored (1-8), Leary Elementary (1-8), H.T. Singleton (1-12)
  • 1965-66: Anderson Elementary (1-7), Arlington Elementary (1-8), Edison Elementary (1-8), H.T. Singleton (1-12). Anderson was a new name for Leary
  • 1966-67: Anderson Elementary (1-7), Arlington Elementary (1-8), Edison Elementary (1-8), H.T. Singleton (1-12)
  • 1967-68: Anderson Elementary (1-7), Arlington Elementary (1-8), Edison Elementary (1-8), H.T. Singleton (1-12)
  • 1968-69: Anderson Elementary (1-7), Arlington Elementary (1-8), Edison Elementary (1-8), H.T. Singleton Elementary and High (1-12)
  • 1969-70: Anderson Elementary (1-7), Arlington Elementary (1-8), Edison Elementary (1-8), H.T. Singleton Elementary and High (1-12)
Additional notes